^ Context {#14
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            "quantity" => array:1 [ …1]
    #configuration: PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Configuration {#176
      -shop: null
      #parameters: null
    #addressFactory: PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\AddressFactory {#173}
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      "classname" => "Country"
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  +employee: null
  +controller: CategoryController {#94
    +php_self: "category"
    +customer_access: true
    #notFound: false
    #category: Category {#108
      +id: 15
      +id_category: "15"
      +name: "MVHR filters"
      +active: "1"
      +position: "0"
      +description: """
        <p><span id="result_box" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Ventilatiesystemen worden voorzien van filters aan de extractiezijde en de pulsiezijde.">Ventilation systems are provided with filters on the extraction side and the pulsiezijde. </span><span title="Filters in een ventilatiesysteem hebben 2 functies, het beschermen van de installatie en het zuiveren van de binnenkomende lucht.">Filters in a ventilation system have two functions, protecting the installation and purify of the incoming air. </span><span title="Daarom dienen ze regelmatig gecontroleerd, schoongemaakt en vervangen te worden.">Therefore, they should be regularly inspected, cleaned and replaced.<br /><br /></span><span title="Een verstopte filter kan leiden tot:      ">A clogged filter can cause:<br /><br /></span></span></p>\n
        <li><span xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Een verstopte filter kan leiden tot:      ">    </span><span title="Onvoldoende ventilatie.     ">Insufficient ventilation.</span></span></li>\n
        <li><span xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Onvoldoende ventilatie.     ">    </span><span title="Te hoge draaisnelheid van de ventilator en bijgevolg hoger verbruik.     ">Excessive speed of the fan and consequently higher consumption.</span></span></li>\n
        <li><span xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Te hoge draaisnelheid van de ventilator en bijgevolg hoger verbruik.     ">    </span><span title="Te hoog geluidsniveau.">High sound levels.</span></span><br /><span xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Te hoog geluidsniveau."></span></span></li>\n
        <p><span xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Te hoog geluidsniveau."><br /></span><span title="Een kapotte filter laat niet gefilterde lucht toe in de wisselaar.">A damaged filter allows unfiltered air into the exchanger.<br /><br /></span><span title="Controleer, reinig en vervang de filters daarom regelmatig!">Check, clean and replace filters regularly why!<br /></span></span></p>\n
        <h2><span xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Controleer, reinig en vervang de filters daarom regelmatig!">Replace filters:</span></span></h2>\n
        <p><span xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Het vervangen van de filterset zorgt ervoor dat uw toestel zuiver blijft en langer meegaat.">Replacing the filter kit ensures it stays clean and lasts longer. </span><span title="Info over de vervangfrequentie en het type filter kan u in de handleiding van het toestel terugvinden.">About the replacement frequency and type of filter can be found in the manual of the device.<br /><br /></span><span title="Meestal worden filters van het type G4 (grof) of F7 (fijn) toegepast.">Usually, filters of the type G4 (coarse) or F7 (fine) were used. </span><span title="Met een G4-filter wordt het stof en zand uit de lucht verwijderd, met een F7-filter wordt ook fijn stof verwijderd waaronder pollen (pollenfilter), interessant bij allergieën.">With a G4 filter, the dust and sand is removed from the air, with a filter-F7 is also removed particulate matter including pollen (pollen filter), interesting allergies.<br /><br /></span><span title="Last van allergie?">Suffer from allergies? </span><span title="Dan kan een F7-pollenfilter hier verbetering brengen.">Then a F7 pollen filter can bring improvement.<br /><br /></span><span title="Deze zijn verkrijgbaar voor de meeste toestellen.">These are available for most devices.<br /><br /></span><span style="color:#d0121a;"><strong><span title="VOLUMEKORTING !!">VOLUME DISCOUNT !!<br /></span><span title="-5% vanaf 3 sets">-5% from 3 sets<br /><br /></span></strong></span><span title="GRATIS VERZENDING vanaf 50 EUR"><span style="color:#d0121a;"><strong>FREE SHIPPING from 50 EUR</strong></span><br /><br /></span><span title="Kan je een filter niet terugvinden in ons gamma?">Can not find a filter in our range? </span><span title="Laat het ons weten...">Let us know...<br /><br /></span><span title="!!!">!!! </span><span title="De filterafbeeldingen kunnen afwijken van het origineel !!!">The filter images can differ from the original !!! </span><span title="Vergelijk de afmetingen voor de zekerheid.">Compare the size of the security.<br /><br /></span><span title="In deze categorie kan je een heel assortiment aan filters terugvinden voor de meest courante merken en modellen.">In this category you can find an assortment of filters for the most common makes and models.<br /><br /></span><span title="Zehnder, Lemmens, Vasco, Ventilair, Orcon, Ubbink, Brink, Ithe Daalderop, Venitline, Vent-Axia, Clima Industries, Strok Air, Pal, Comair, SystemAir, ...">Zehnder, Lemmens, Vasco, Ventilair, Orcon, Ubbink, Brink, Ithe Daalderop, Venitline, Vent-Axia, Clima Industries, Strok Air Pal, Comair, Systemair, ...</span></span></p>
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      "tabs" => "tabs"
    #id_lang: null
    #lang_associated: null
    #id_shop: 1
    +id_shop_list: []
    #get_shop_from_context: true
    #table: "lang"
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    #fieldsRequired: array:4 [
      0 => "name"
      1 => "iso_code"
      2 => "date_format_lite"
      3 => "date_format_full"
    #fieldsSize: array:6 [
      "name" => 32
      "iso_code" => 2
      "locale" => 5
      "language_code" => 5
      "date_format_lite" => 32
      "date_format_full" => 32
    #fieldsValidate: array:8 [
      "name" => "isGenericName"
      "iso_code" => "isLanguageIsoCode"
      "locale" => "isLocale"
      "language_code" => "isLanguageCode"
      "active" => "isBool"
      "is_rtl" => "isBool"
      "date_format_lite" => "isPhpDateFormat"
      "date_format_full" => "isPhpDateFormat"
    #fieldsRequiredLang: []
    #fieldsSizeLang: []
    #fieldsValidateLang: []
    #tables: []
    #image_dir: null
    #image_format: "jpg"
    #translator: null
    #def: array:4 [
      "table" => "lang"
      "primary" => "id_lang"
      "fields" => array:8 [
        "name" => array:4 [
          "type" => 3
          "validate" => "isGenericName"
          "required" => true
          "size" => 32
        "iso_code" => array:4 [
          "type" => 3
          "validate" => "isLanguageIsoCode"
          "required" => true
          "size" => 2
        "locale" => array:3 [
          "type" => 3
          "validate" => "isLocale"
          "size" => 5
        "language_code" => array:3 [
          "type" => 3
          "validate" => "isLanguageCode"
          "size" => 5
        "active" => array:2 [
          "type" => 2
          "validate" => "isBool"
        "is_rtl" => array:2 [
          "type" => 2
          "validate" => "isBool"
        "date_format_lite" => array:4 [
          "type" => 3
          "validate" => "isPhpDateFormat"
          "required" => true
          "size" => 32
        "date_format_full" => array:4 [
          "type" => 3
          "validate" => "isPhpDateFormat"
          "required" => true
          "size" => 32
      "classname" => "Language"
    #update_fields: null
    +force_id: false
  +currency: Currency {#567
    +id: 1
    +name: "Euro"
    #localizedNames: array:3 [
      1 => "Euro"
      2 => "Euro"
      3 => "Euro"
    +iso_code: "EUR"
    +iso_code_num: "978"
    +numeric_iso_code: "978"
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    +sign: ""
    +symbol: ""
    -localizedSymbols: array:3 [
      1 => ""
      2 => ""
      3 => ""
    +format: null
    +blank: 1
    +decimals: 1
    +precision: "2"
    +pattern: array:3 [
      1 => ""
      2 => ""
      3 => ""
    -localizedPatterns: array:3 [
      1 => ""
      2 => ""
      3 => ""
    #webserviceParameters: array:2 [
      "objectsNodeName" => "currencies"
      "fields" => array:4 [
        "names" => array:2 [
          "getter" => "getLocalizedNames"
          "i18n" => true
        "name" => array:2 [
          "getter" => "getName"
          "modifier" => array:2 [ …2]
        "symbol" => array:1 [
          "getter" => "getLocalizedSymbols"
        "iso_code" => array:1 [
          "modifier" => array:2 [ …2]
    +prefix: null
    +suffix: null
    #id_lang: null
    #lang_associated: null
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      0 => "iso_code"
      1 => "conversion_rate"
    #fieldsSize: array:2 [
      "iso_code" => 3
      "numeric_iso_code" => 3
    #fieldsValidate: array:8 [
      "iso_code" => "isLanguageIsoCode"
      "numeric_iso_code" => "isNumericIsoCode"
      "precision" => "isInt"
      "conversion_rate" => "isUnsignedFloat"
      "deleted" => "isBool"
      "active" => "isBool"
      "unofficial" => "isBool"
      "modified" => "isBool"
    #fieldsRequiredLang: []
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      "name" => 255
      "symbol" => 255
      "pattern" => 255
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      "name" => "isGenericName"
    #tables: []
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    #image_format: "jpg"
    #translator: null
    #def: array:6 [
      "table" => "currency"
      "primary" => "id_currency"
      "multilang" => true
      "fields" => array:11 [
        "iso_code" => array:4 [
          "type" => 3
          "validate" => "isLanguageIsoCode"
          "required" => true
          "size" => 3
        "numeric_iso_code" => array:4 [
          "type" => 3
          "allow_null" => true
          "validate" => "isNumericIsoCode"
          "size" => 3
        "precision" => array:2 [
          "type" => 1
          "validate" => "isInt"
        "conversion_rate" => array:4 [
          "type" => 4
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          "required" => true
          "shop" => true
        "deleted" => array:2 [
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          "validate" => "isBool"
        "active" => array:2 [
          "type" => 2
          "validate" => "isBool"
        "unofficial" => array:2 [
          "type" => 2
          "validate" => "isBool"
        "modified" => array:2 [
          "type" => 2
          "validate" => "isBool"
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          "lang" => true
          "validate" => "isGenericName"
          "size" => 255
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          "type" => 3
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          "size" => 255
        "pattern" => array:3 [
          "type" => 3
          "lang" => true
          "size" => 255
      "classname" => "Currency"
      "associations" => array:1 [
        "l" => array:3 [
          "type" => 2
          "field" => "id_currency"
          "foreign_field" => "id_currency"
    #update_fields: null
    +force_id: false
  +currentLocale: PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Locale {#170
    #code: "en-US"
    #numberFormatter: PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Number\Formatter {#573
      #roundingMode: "up"
      #numberingSystem: "latn"
      #numberSpecification: null
    #numberSpecification: PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\Number {#171
      #positivePattern: "#,##0.###"
      #negativePattern: "-#,##0.###"
      #symbols: array:46 [
        "adlm" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#521
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
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          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
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        "arab" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#522
          #decimal: "٫"
          #group: "٬"
          #list: "؛"
          #percentSign: "٪؜"
          #minusSign: "؜-"
          #plusSign: "؜+"
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          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: "؉"
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "arabext" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#523
          #decimal: "٫"
          #group: "٬"
          #list: "؛"
          #percentSign: "٪"
          #minusSign: "‎-‎"
          #plusSign: "‎+‎"
          #exponential: "×۱۰^"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: "؉"
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "bali" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#524
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
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          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
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          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "beng" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#525
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          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
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          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
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          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "brah" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#526
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
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          #minusSign: "-"
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        "cakm" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#527
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
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          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
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          #infinity: ""
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        "cham" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#528
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
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          #minusSign: "-"
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          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
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        "deva" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#529
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          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
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        "fullwide" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#530
          #decimal: "."
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          #list: ";"
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          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
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        "gong" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#531
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          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
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          #plusSign: "+"
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          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "gonm" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#532
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
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          #minusSign: "-"
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          #exponential: "E"
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          #infinity: ""
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        "gujr" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#533
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          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
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          #infinity: ""
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        "guru" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#534
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
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          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
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        "hanidec" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#535
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
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          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
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          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "java" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#536
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          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
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          #minusSign: "-"
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          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
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          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "kali" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#537
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          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
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          #minusSign: "-"
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          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "khmr" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#538
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "knda" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#539
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
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          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "lana" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#540
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "lanatham" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#541
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "laoo" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#542
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "latn" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#543
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "lepc" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#544
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "limb" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#545
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "mlym" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#546
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "mong" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#547
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "mtei" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#548
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "mymr" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#549
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "mymrshan" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#550
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "nkoo" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#551
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "olck" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#552
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "orya" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#553
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "osma" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#554
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "rohg" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#555
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "saur" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#556
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "shrd" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#557
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "sora" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#558
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "sund" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#559
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "takr" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#560
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "talu" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#561
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "tamldec" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#562
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "telu" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#563
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "thai" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#564
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "tibt" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#565
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
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      "request_uri" => Smarty_Variable {#175
        +value: "/en/ventilation/filters/?page=3&amp;q=Brand-Duco Ventilation-Itho Daalderop-Orcon-Swegon?q=Brand-Duco Ventilation-Itho Daalderop-Orcon-Swegon&amp;q=Brand-Duco Ventilation-Itho Daalderop-Orcon-Swegon?q=Brand-Duco Ventilation-Itho Daalderop-Orcon-Swegon?page=3"
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          "nleft" => "6"
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          "date_add" => "2016-03-25 16:22:54"
          "date_upd" => "2024-06-27 20:48:51"
          "name" => "MVHR filters"
          "link_rewrite" => "filters"
          "description" => """
            <p><span id="result_box" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Ventilatiesystemen worden voorzien van filters aan de extractiezijde en de pulsiezijde.">Ventilation systems are provided with filters on the extraction side and the pulsiezijde. </span><span title="Filters in een ventilatiesysteem hebben 2 functies, het beschermen van de installatie en het zuiveren van de binnenkomende lucht.">Filters in a ventilation system have two functions, protecting the installation and purify of the incoming air. </span><span title="Daarom dienen ze regelmatig gecontroleerd, schoongemaakt en vervangen te worden.">Therefore, they should be regularly inspected, cleaned and replaced.<br /><br /></span><span title="Een verstopte filter kan leiden tot:      ">A clogged filter can cause:<br /><br /></span></span></p>\n
            <li><span xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Een verstopte filter kan leiden tot:      ">    </span><span title="Onvoldoende ventilatie.     ">Insufficient ventilation.</span></span></li>\n
            <li><span xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Onvoldoende ventilatie.     ">    </span><span title="Te hoge draaisnelheid van de ventilator en bijgevolg hoger verbruik.     ">Excessive speed of the fan and consequently higher consumption.</span></span></li>\n
            <li><span xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Te hoge draaisnelheid van de ventilator en bijgevolg hoger verbruik.     ">    </span><span title="Te hoog geluidsniveau.">High sound levels.</span></span><br /><span xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Te hoog geluidsniveau."></span></span></li>\n
            <p><span xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Te hoog geluidsniveau."><br /></span><span title="Een kapotte filter laat niet gefilterde lucht toe in de wisselaar.">A damaged filter allows unfiltered air into the exchanger.<br /><br /></span><span title="Controleer, reinig en vervang de filters daarom regelmatig!">Check, clean and replace filters regularly why!<br /></span></span></p>\n
            <h2><span xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Controleer, reinig en vervang de filters daarom regelmatig!">Replace filters:</span></span></h2>\n
            <p><span xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Het vervangen van de filterset zorgt ervoor dat uw toestel zuiver blijft en langer meegaat.">Replacing the filter kit ensures it stays clean and lasts longer. </span><span title="Info over de vervangfrequentie en het type filter kan u in de handleiding van het toestel terugvinden.">About the replacement frequency and type of filter can be found in the manual of the device.<br /><br /></span><span title="Meestal worden filters van het type G4 (grof) of F7 (fijn) toegepast.">Usually, filters of the type G4 (coarse) or F7 (fine) were used. </span><span title="Met een G4-filter wordt het stof en zand uit de lucht verwijderd, met een F7-filter wordt ook fijn stof verwijderd waaronder pollen (pollenfilter), interessant bij allergieën.">With a G4 filter, the dust and sand is removed from the air, with a filter-F7 is also removed particulate matter including pollen (pollen filter), interesting allergies.<br /><br /></span><span title="Last van allergie?">Suffer from allergies? </span><span title="Dan kan een F7-pollenfilter hier verbetering brengen.">Then a F7 pollen filter can bring improvement.<br /><br /></span><span title="Deze zijn verkrijgbaar voor de meeste toestellen.">These are available for most devices.<br /><br /></span><span style="color:#d0121a;"><strong><span title="VOLUMEKORTING !!">VOLUME DISCOUNT !!<br /></span><span title="-5% vanaf 3 sets">-5% from 3 sets<br /><br /></span></strong></span><span title="GRATIS VERZENDING vanaf 50 EUR"><span style="color:#d0121a;"><strong>FREE SHIPPING from 50 EUR</strong></span><br /><br /></span><span title="Kan je een filter niet terugvinden in ons gamma?">Can not find a filter in our range? </span><span title="Laat het ons weten...">Let us know...<br /><br /></span><span title="!!!">!!! </span><span title="De filterafbeeldingen kunnen afwijken van het origineel !!!">The filter images can differ from the original !!! </span><span title="Vergelijk de afmetingen voor de zekerheid.">Compare the size of the security.<br /><br /></span><span title="In deze categorie kan je een heel assortiment aan filters terugvinden voor de meest courante merken en modellen.">In this category you can find an assortment of filters for the most common makes and models.<br /><br /></span><span title="Zehnder, Lemmens, Vasco, Ventilair, Orcon, Ubbink, Brink, Ithe Daalderop, Venitline, Vent-Axia, Clima Industries, Strok Air, Pal, Comair, SystemAir, ...">Zehnder, Lemmens, Vasco, Ventilair, Orcon, Ubbink, Brink, Ithe Daalderop, Venitline, Vent-Axia, Clima Industries, Strok Air Pal, Comair, Systemair, ...</span></span></p>
          "additional_description" => ""
          "meta_title" => "Buy replacement filters for MVHR ventilation * 5% volume discount *"
          "meta_description" => "Replacement filters for MVHR ventilation. Zehnder, Lemmens, Vasco, Ventilair, Clima, Renson, Swegon, Aldes, Brink, Ubbink, Comair, Soler&Palau, SystemAir, Paul, Atrea, ..."
          "meta_keywords" => "filters,zehnder,lemmens,clima,vasco"
          "id" => 15
          "image" => array:6 [ …6]
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          16 => array:23 [ …23]
          17 => array:23 [ …23]
          18 => array:23 [ …23]
          19 => array:23 [ …23]
          20 => array:23 [ …23]
          21 => array:23 [ …23]
          22 => array:23 [ …23]
          23 => array:23 [ …23]
          24 => array:23 [ …23]
          25 => array:23 [ …23]
          26 => array:23 [ …23]
          27 => array:23 [ …23]
          28 => array:23 [ …23]
          29 => array:23 [ …23]
          30 => array:23 [ …23]
          31 => array:23 [ …23]
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          33 => array:23 [ …23]
          34 => array:23 [ …23]
          35 => array:23 [ …23]
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    +ext: Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler {#42
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      -resolvedProperties: []
      +"registerResource": Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterResource {#46
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      +"registerPlugin": Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterPlugin {#49
        +objMap: 3
      +"createData": Smarty_Internal_Method_CreateData {#73
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