^ Context {#14
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      "id_guest" => "isUnsignedId"
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      "classname" => "Customer"
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      2 => "contains_states"
      3 => "need_identification_number"
      4 => "display_tax_label"
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      "id_zone" => "isUnsignedId"
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      0 => "name"
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      "name" => "isGenericName"
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      "table" => "country"
      "primary" => "id_country"
      "multilang" => true
      "fields" => array:11 [
        "id_zone" => array:3 [
          "type" => 1
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        "id_currency" => array:2 [
          "type" => 1
          "validate" => "isUnsignedId"
        "call_prefix" => array:2 [
          "type" => 1
          "validate" => "isInt"
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          "type" => 3
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          "required" => true
          "size" => 3
        "active" => array:2 [
          "type" => 2
          "validate" => "isBool"
        "contains_states" => array:3 [
          "type" => 2
          "validate" => "isBool"
          "required" => true
        "need_identification_number" => array:3 [
          "type" => 2
          "validate" => "isBool"
          "required" => true
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          "type" => 2
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          "type" => 2
          "validate" => "isBool"
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        "name" => array:5 [
          "type" => 3
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          "required" => true
          "size" => 64
      "associations" => array:3 [
        "zone" => array:1 [
          "type" => 1
        "currency" => array:1 [
          "type" => 1
        "l" => array:3 [
          "type" => 2
          "field" => "id_country"
          "foreign_field" => "id_country"
      "classname" => "Country"
    #update_fields: null
    +force_id: false
  +employee: null
  +controller: CategoryController {#93
    +php_self: "category"
    +customer_access: true
    #notFound: false
    #category: Category {#107
      +id: 15
      +id_category: "15"
      +name: "WTW Filters"
      +active: "1"
      +position: "0"
      +description: """
        <h2>WTW filters kopen</h2>\n
        <p>Ventilatiesystemen worden voorzien van filters aan de extractiezijde en de pulsiezijde. WTW filters in een ventilatiesysteem hebben 2 functies, het beschermen van de installatie en het zuiveren van de binnenkomende lucht. Daarom dienen ze regelmatig gecontroleerd, schoongemaakt en vervangen te worden.</p>\n
        <p>Een verstopte filter kan leiden tot:</p>\n
        <li><strong>Onvoldoende ventilatie.</strong></li>\n
        <li><strong>Te hoge draaisnelheid van de ventilator en bijgevolg hoger verbruik.</strong></li>\n
        <li><strong>Te hoog geluidsniveau.</strong></li>\n
        <p>Een defecte filter laat niet gefilterde lucht toe in de wisselaar.</p>\n
        <p>Controleer, reinig en vervang de WTW filters daarom regelmatig!</p>\n
        <h2>Filters vervangen:</h2>\n
        <p>Het vervangen van de filterset zorgt ervoor dat uw toestel zuiver blijft en langer meegaat. Info over de vervangfrequentie en het type filter kan u in de handleiding van het toestel terugvinden.</p>\n
        <p>Meestal worden filters van het type G4 (grof) of F7 (fijn) toegepast. Met een G4-filter wordt het stof en zand uit de lucht verwijderd, met een F7-filter wordt ook fijn stof verwijderd waaronder pollen (pollenfilter), interessant bij allergieën.</p>\n
        <p>Last van allergie? Dan kan een F7-pollenfilter hier verbetering brengen. Deze zijn verkrijgbaar voor de meeste toestellen.</p>\n
        <li><em><strong>Ontvang 5% korting bij aankoop van 3 sets.</strong></em></li>\n
        <li><em><strong>Ontvang 7,5% korting bij aankoop van 5 sets.</strong></em></li>\n
        <li><em><strong>Ontvang 10% korting bij aankoop van 10 sets.</strong></em></li>\n
        <p><em><strong><br />Dit is van toepassing op de meeste filtersets echter niet allemaal.</strong><br /></em></p>\n
        <p><span style="background-color:#ffffff;"><strong><span style="color:#c21314;">GRATIS VERZENDING vanaf 50 EUR<br /></span></strong></span></p>\n
        <p><span style="background-color:#ffffff;"><strong><span style="color:#c21314;">Kan je een filter niet terugvinden in ons gamma? Laat het ons weten...</span></strong></span></p>\n
        <p><strong>!!! De filterafbeeldingen kunnen afwijken van het origineel !!!   Vergelijk de afmetingen voor de zekerheid.</strong></p>\n
        <p>In deze categorie kan je een heel assortiment aan filters terugvinden voor de meest courante merken en modellen.</p>\n
        <p class="MsoNormal">Zehnder, Lemmens, Vasco, Vent-Axia, JE Strok Air, Ventilair, Orcon, Ubbink, Codumé, Brink, Itho Daalderop, Ventiline, Clima Industries, Comair, SystemAir, Atrea, Soler &amp; Palau, Paul, Aldes, Renson,Swegon, Thermelec, Fränkische, Begetube, Duco, Titon, Komfovent,Wolf, Samsung, Ventomatic, Swentibold, ...</p>\n
      +additional_description: ""
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      +nright: "161"
      +link_rewrite: "filters"
      +meta_title: "Ventilatiefilters kopen? Bekijk alle WTW filters | HRshop.be"
      +meta_keywords: "ventilatie,filter,ventilatiefilter,g4,f7,fijnfilter,pollenfilter,ventileren"
      +meta_description: "WTW filters kopen van de bekendste merken doe je bij HRshop.  Ruim assortiment met meer dan 25 merken. Gratis verzending vanaf 50 euro in de BeNeLux."
      +date_add: "2016-03-25 16:22:54"
      +date_upd: "2024-06-27 20:48:51"
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          "java" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#590 …11}
          "kali" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#591 …11}
          "khmr" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#592 …11}
          "knda" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#593 …11}
          "lana" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#594 …11}
          "lanatham" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#595 …11}
          "laoo" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#596 …11}
          "latn" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#597 …11}
          "lepc" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#598 …11}
          "limb" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#599 …11}
          "mlym" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#600 …11}
          "mong" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#601 …11}
          "mtei" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#602 …11}
          "mymr" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#603 …11}
          "mymrshan" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#604 …11}
          "nkoo" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#605 …11}
          "olck" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#606 …11}
          "orya" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#607 …11}
          "osma" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#608 …11}
          "rohg" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#609 …11}
          "saur" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#610 …11}
          "shrd" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#611 …11}
          "sora" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#612 …11}
          "sund" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#613 …11}
          "takr" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#614 …11}
          "talu" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#615 …11}
          "tamldec" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#616 …11}
          "telu" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#617 …11}
          "thai" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#618 …11}
          "tibt" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#619 …11}
          "vaii" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#620 …11}
        #maxFractionDigits: 2
        #minFractionDigits: 2
        #groupingUsed: true
        #primaryGroupSize: 3
        #secondaryGroupSize: 3
    #numberSpecification: PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\Number {#170
      #positivePattern: "#,##0.###"
      #negativePattern: "-#,##0.###"
      #symbols: array:46 [
        "adlm" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#520
          #decimal: "."
          #group: ","
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "arab" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#521
          #decimal: "٫"
          #group: "٬"
          #list: "؛"
          #percentSign: "٪؜"
          #minusSign: "؜-"
          #plusSign: "؜+"
          #exponential: "اس"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: "؉"
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "arabext" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#522
          #decimal: "٫"
          #group: "٬"
          #list: "؛"
          #percentSign: "٪"
          #minusSign: "‎-‎"
          #plusSign: "‎+‎"
          #exponential: "×۱۰^"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: "؉"
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "bali" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#523
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "beng" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#524
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "brah" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#525
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "cakm" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#526
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "cham" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#527
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "deva" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#528
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "fullwide" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#529
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "gong" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#530
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "gonm" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#531
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "gujr" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#532
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "guru" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#533
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "hanidec" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#534
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "java" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#535
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "kali" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#536
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "khmr" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#537
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "knda" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#538
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "lana" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#539
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "lanatham" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#540
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "laoo" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#541
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "latn" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#542
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "lepc" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#543
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "limb" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#544
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "mlym" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#545
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "mong" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#546
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "mtei" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#547
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "mymr" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#548
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "mymrshan" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#549
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "nkoo" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#550
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "olck" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#551
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "orya" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#552
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "osma" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#553
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "rohg" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#554
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "saur" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#555
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "shrd" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#556
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "sora" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#557
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "sund" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#558
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "takr" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#559
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "talu" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#560
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "tamldec" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#561
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "telu" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#562
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "thai" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#563
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "tibt" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#564
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
        "vaii" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberSymbolList {#565
          #decimal: ","
          #group: "."
          #list: ";"
          #percentSign: "%"
          #minusSign: "-"
          #plusSign: "+"
          #exponential: "E"
          #superscriptingExponent: "×"
          #perMille: ""
          #infinity: ""
          #nan: "NaN"
      #maxFractionDigits: 3
      #minFractionDigits: 0
      #groupingUsed: true
      #primaryGroupSize: 3
      #secondaryGroupSize: 3
    #priceSpecifications: PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\NumberCollection {#571
      #numberSpecifications: array:3 [
        "EUR" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\Price {#574}
        "GBP" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\Price {#621
          #currencyDisplay: "symbol"
          #currencySymbol: "£"
          #currencyCode: "GBP"
          #positivePattern: "¤ #,##0.00"
          #negativePattern: "¤ -#,##0.00"
          #symbols: array:46 [ …46]
          #maxFractionDigits: 2
          #minFractionDigits: 2
          #groupingUsed: true
          #primaryGroupSize: 3
          #secondaryGroupSize: 3
        "PLN" => PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Localization\Specification\Price {#668
          #currencyDisplay: "symbol"
          #currencySymbol: ""
          #currencyCode: "PLN"
          #positivePattern: "¤ #,##0.00"
          #negativePattern: "¤ -#,##0.00"
          #symbols: array:46 [ …46]
          #maxFractionDigits: 2
          #minFractionDigits: 2
          #groupingUsed: true
          #primaryGroupSize: 3
          #secondaryGroupSize: 3
  +tab: null
  +shop: Shop {#18
    +id_shop_group: "1"
    +id_category: "2"
    +theme_name: "falcon"
    +name: "Hr Shop"
    +color: ""
    +active: "1"
    +deleted: "0"
    +physical_uri: "/"
    +virtual_uri: ""
    +domain: "www.hrshop.be"
    +domain_ssl: "www.hrshop.be"
    #group: ShopGroup {#19
      +name: "Default"
      +color: ""
      +active: "1"
      +share_customer: "0"
      +share_stock: "0"
      +share_order: "0"
      +deleted: "0"
      +id: 1
      #id_lang: null
      #lang_associated: null
      #id_shop: null
      +id_shop_list: []
      #get_shop_from_context: true
      #table: "shop_group"
      #identifier: "id_shop_group"
      #fieldsRequired: array:1 [
        0 => "name"
      #fieldsSize: array:1 [
        "name" => 64
      #fieldsValidate: array:7 [
        "name" => "isGenericName"
        "color" => "isColor"
        "share_customer" => "isBool"
        "share_order" => "isBool"
        "share_stock" => "isBool"
        "active" => "isBool"
        "deleted" => "isBool"
      #fieldsRequiredLang: []
      #fieldsSizeLang: []
      #fieldsValidateLang: []
      #tables: []
      #webserviceParameters: []
      #image_dir: null
      #image_format: "jpg"
      #translator: null
      #def: array:4 [
        "table" => "shop_group"
        "primary" => "id_shop_group"
        "fields" => array:7 [
          "name" => array:4 [ …4]
          "color" => array:2 [ …2]
          "share_customer" => array:2 [ …2]
          "share_order" => array:2 [ …2]
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              var Sec_text = 'Sec(s)';\n
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WTW Filters

WTW filters kopen

Ventilatiesystemen worden voorzien van filters aan de extractiezijde en de pulsiezijde. WTW filters in een ventilatiesysteem hebben 2 functies, het beschermen van de installatie en het zuiveren van de binnenkomende lucht. Daarom dienen ze regelmatig gecontroleerd, schoongemaakt en vervangen te worden.

Een verstopte filter kan leiden tot:

  • Onvoldoende ventilatie.
  • Te hoge draaisnelheid van de ventilator en bijgevolg hoger verbruik.
  • Te hoog geluidsniveau.

Een defecte filter laat niet gefilterde lucht toe in de wisselaar.

Controleer, reinig en vervang de WTW filters daarom regelmatig!

Filters vervangen:

Het vervangen van de filterset zorgt ervoor dat uw toestel zuiver blijft en langer meegaat. Info over de vervangfrequentie en het type filter kan u in de handleiding van het toestel terugvinden.

Meestal worden filters van het type G4 (grof) of F7 (fijn) toegepast. Met een G4-filter wordt het stof en zand uit de lucht verwijderd, met een F7-filter wordt ook fijn stof verwijderd waaronder pollen (pollenfilter), interessant bij allergieën.

Last van allergie? Dan kan een F7-pollenfilter hier verbetering brengen. Deze zijn verkrijgbaar voor de meeste toestellen.


  • Ontvang 5% korting bij aankoop van 3 sets.
  • Ontvang 7,5% korting bij aankoop van 5 sets.
  • Ontvang 10% korting bij aankoop van 10 sets.

Dit is van toepassing op de meeste filtersets echter niet allemaal.


Kan je een filter niet terugvinden in ons gamma? Laat het ons weten...

!!! De filterafbeeldingen kunnen afwijken van het origineel !!!   Vergelijk de afmetingen voor de zekerheid.

In deze categorie kan je een heel assortiment aan filters terugvinden voor de meest courante merken en modellen.

Zehnder, Lemmens, Vasco, Vent-Axia, JE Strok Air, Ventilair, Orcon, Ubbink, Codumé, Brink, Itho Daalderop, Ventiline, Clima Industries, Comair, SystemAir, Atrea, Soler & Palau, Paul, Aldes, Renson,Swegon, Thermelec, Fränkische, Begetube, Duco, Titon, Komfovent,Wolf, Samsung, Ventomatic, Swentibold, ...
